Exploring Reality
Exploring the Unknown
This website is written for seekers of truth - those interested in exploring questions that invite a deeper understanding of reality. Human progress occurs by discovering and applying new knowledge, using the gift of understanding, to advance civilization. Therefore, the purpose of this website is to explore how civilization itself might change and advance following a deeper understanding of the nature of reality.
Not just anyone can claim to understand the nature of reality. No matter how much anyone may think about the nature of the universe and existence, human thought needs a source of inspiration, a point to focus upon for reflection and insight. The wonders of nature can serve as a canvas for the mind to ponder life, the systems of life, and the delicate balance holding life and nature in harmony.
New telescopes, mathematics and experiments can provide images and models for the mind to ponder the immense energy latent and diffused throughout the universe; its patterns; its direction; its origin and the seeming infinitude of time, space, energy and matter. Clearly, then, a good approach to understanding reality is to assembly the collective discoveries of humanity, about nature and life, and explore these assembled discoveries all together through the integration of scientific knowledge.
However, there is another approach to the investigation of reality and this is through the mysterious appearance of a tiny number of people in history who have known and unraveled the mysteries of the universe without scientific training. These cases are often not considered seriously by secular institutions of society because human culture categorizes such individual cases as questions of religious faith, belief and conviction, separate from the scientific repository of "true knowledge." But there are aspects and dimensions of reality that science cannot probe. Many of our deepest questions about who we are (e.g. what is the soul? do we have spiritual powers?) and why we exist (e.g. is the purpose of the human species identical to the purpose of all other animal species?) aim into the space that science may struggle to probe.
Where does all the energy in the universe actually come from? To say it exploded from a Big Bang means the energy existed prior to the event that released it, which leaves the question unanswered. It simply points to a perpetual cycle of Big Bangs. How did energy come to exist before n number of Big Bang events? How are we to believe that energy just existed eternally without cause, source or origin when all energy on earth has a source and cause, such as light, wind, heat, movement, life, magnetism and so on? If energy is truly eternal, with no ultimate physical source, as appears to be the case in the endless cycles of Big Bangs creating the "universe," ultimately drawing it back upon itself perhaps after trillions of years, and then recreating it in another Bang, then that energy itself is not a physical thing. We have assumed it must be physical, in its inmost essence, because we use physical senses to detect it. In its very essence, within the atoms, the energy must be a divine reality beyond time and space. It would be more accurate to call it a force of God.
In other words, some supernatural force of God manifests itself as the eternal energy creating and perpetuating the "universe." And with energy being an extension of spiritual reality, it becomes clear that we don't live in "the universe." We live in a spiritual dimension with physical properties and qualities, a dimension created to serve a purpose of human learning, as an initial stage of an eternal existence, because consciousness, being a quality of that same cosmic energy, must also be just as eternal as the energy itself. This means your consciousness is a spiritual force, its origin and sustainer being God, just like all other forms of energy.
We may perceive that we occupy two realities simultaneously, depending on what our mind chooses to focus on, or one reality with two natures (spiritual/physical) if we choose to acknowledge the spiritual reality of energy as the only logical conclusion. By extension, then, life is a spiritual experience and not fundamentally a physical one.
What is this vacuum we call space? Where are we, actually? Someone named reality "the universe." But what is it, really? Do we actually know where we? Do we know what we are, or do we claim human and cultural identities to avoid how uncomfortable it must feel to acknowledge that we don't really know who we are in our essence?
Do we know why we are really alive, beyond life's demand to perpetuate itself through reproduction? Do we ever question whatever force is behind the constant push to perpetuate the species?
The perfection of life, its endless configurations and eternal quality of self-perpetuation betrays the simplicity of any answer that randomness and chance created the universe, gave rise to life, created consciousness and, through the power of understanding which organizes that consciousness, then created an ever-advancing human civilization in which exponential growth in knowledge has been occurring for hundreds years. It's too good to be true to claim the simple answer that nature does all of this by itself without order or intention; that a single celled organism warmed to "life" in a puddle of water billions of years ago just "evolved" until it put robots on mars. When a deal is too good to be true, its not true. And in this case, its not true that we have come to experience life, love and beauty out of chaos and randomness, that we have come to be intelligent out of unintelligence, or that energy has come to exist out of pure nothingness absent a Creator.
Unfortunately, for the mind that is determined to believe only what physical evidence can confirm, the only logical explanation is that reality is supernatural and divine and far more wondrous than the forces we can measure and understand through physics and mathematics. Something more powerful, more intensively alive, and inconceivably more intelligent than humans must ultimately act as both the Creator of the universe, the Ruler of universe and the at once the Sustainer of the universe...and it must have a conscious and intelligent, not random, reason for engaging in the act of creation and for creating the consciousness we now use to ask these questions.
What is reality? How far does reality go? To what dimensions?
Does reality include the supernatural (e.g. soul/spirit) or end with the natural (e.g. body)?
Does reality have a Creator or did the energy from which the universe arose come to exist by itself?
Does reality need to be sustained by an eternal force (God) or does it sustain itself indefinitely and independently (at random and by chance)?
If there is a Creator, does it communicate with humans?
If communication with God occurs, what is the channel or means God uses to communicate with us?
Questions like this are explored here.